Scripture Reading - Galatians 5:22-23 ERV (Easy-to-Read Version)

22 But the fruit that the Spirit produces in a person's life is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these kinds of things.

As the announcement of another well-known minister caught in some questionable behavior dominates the media headlines we (ihlcc) wonder what to make of the accusations. After some private deliberation solely (only) between Angela and I we paused and prayed for the family members involved. Since our Heavenly Father is so gracious and good He dropped a thought in our spirit to enlighten us to Christian life for those who are held in high esteem. The thought speaks of large ministries which we have chosen to share with you because well-known ministers are held in a brighter light than the average laity member. Many people feel that we are all equally the same in Christ Jesus and there is some truth to that thought but each calling (office) carries a different weight. We are all equally created in God’s image and likeness the second we are born-again but the development of the character of God in not automatic nor is it the same in every believer. The facts are every Christian born of the Holy Spirit of God must decide to develop the fruit of God to display the nature of God on a consistent basis. This means when you are called to the full-time ministry you should devote your full-time to the ministry. The problem we are facing today is that some ministers have other interest in business, or helping other ministries which competes with their private time with God. The development of God’s fruit in the believer must be the minister’s number one priority because without God’s Fruit even God’s Word will not impact the hearer (listener) to any significant measure. We notice that with the Pharisees who were quick to quote God’s Word but lack the Love of God to give true meaning and life to Christ Jesus our Lord. So the thought that was shared with us (ihlcc) is this; “The larger the ministry (service) the larger the fruit must be in the minister to sustain the ministry”. This generally means as we grow and mature in Christ Jesus we must be diligent in our personal pursuit of walking in God’s Fruit. I thought that we developed God’s Fruit in us but that thinking is flawed because in the natural fruit doesn’t grow by man’s efforts but by God’s design. The Lord designed fruit to grow on trees when it is placed in good ground with proper water and light (sunshine). So we must spend adequate time in God’s Presence (light) and study God’s Word (water) with a humble heart of meekness (good ground) to experience the development of God’s Fruit within us. Now we better understand the phrase, “to whom much is given that same much will be required of that whom”. Therefore, it is necessary (wisdom) to prepare today for the possibility of much requirement down the road. So remember, dear child of God, pray for those who rule over you because the demand on their fruit is much greater than the demand on your fruit. The Lord is always just so when the storms of life come to ministers, especially well-known ministers God is faithful to help them to the best of His ability. However, those same well-known ministers need God’s fruit to give to others so that their ministry will stay effective in this earth. The moment their fruit becomes sour they lose their influence so that their ministry becomes of no effect. So when you think of praying for leadership please pray that they recognized their need to develop in the Love of God because that is the fruit to save the world, and sustain (strengthens) all Christians in the army of the Lord. Amen!